Upgraded to CommunityServer 2007
This site has been upgraded to CommunityServer 2007 (I guess visitors to my site do know CommunityServer, and they already read the announcements.) Of all all CS MVPs, I am again late to the party [;)]
The upgrade was pretty easy. I spent about 2 hours on it, mainly because of my limited upload bandwidth. However, I had to create a new CS2007 package, because all the cool extensions I used for my old installation are not yet released for CS2007. But don´t worry, the CS MVPs are busy upgrading the CSMVP CSModule package.
I started to create my own theme a couple of weeks ago, but because of lack of time and CSS experience, it´s not finished yet. Therefore my site still looks the same as before.
BTW, Starting with CS 2007 there´s a new distributable called “One-Click Install”?. This package is a kinda XCOPY distribution, using Cassini and a file-based database. It’s great for developers because you neither need to configure IIS nor the SQL Server.
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