Though it’s not my main job, I still enjoy writing WPF application. Small tools, making my colleagues’ and my own life easier.

Recently I had the requirement to display size values in bytes, kilobytes, etc in a well-rounded way. You will find many examples for formatting such values in the internet. Most look like this:

string result;
if (number >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
    result = (number / 1024.0 / 1024 / 1024).ToString("F1") + " GB";
} else if (number >= 1024 * 1024) {
    result = (number / 1024.0 / 1024).ToString("F1") + " MB";
} else if (number >= 1024) {
    result = (number / 1024.0).ToString("F1") + " KB";
} else {
    result = number + " Bytes";

or, in a smarter way

string[] sizes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
double len = number;
int order = 0;
while (len >= 1024 && order < sizes.Length - 1) {
    len = len / 1024;
string result = $"{len:0.##} {sizes[order]}";

However, if you’re on the Windows platform, there’s a much easier option: StrFormatByteSize. That’s the same method that Explorer is using to display file sizes. Its advantages are that you don’t have any localization issues, and it it has a fixed precision of 3 digits.

Because my application is using WPF, I wrote an IValueConverter to be used in bindings:

Formatting binded values in XAML becomes quite easy with that converter (see full XAML):

  ItemsSource="{StaticResource numbers}">
    <!--  the actual converter  -->
    <local:FormatKbSizeConverter x:Key="FormatKbSizeConverter" />
    <!--  First column shows the plain values  -->
      ElementStyle="{StaticResource RightCell}"
      Header="Plain" />
    <!--  Second column shows the formatted values  -->
      Binding="{Binding Converter={StaticResource FormatKbSizeConverter}}"
      ElementStyle="{StaticResource RightCell}"
      Header="Formatted" />




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